Research Projects

Partially constructed….

We conducted several projects on the following research lines:

1) Analysis of Prokaryotic Genome Diversity in extreme aquatic ecosystems.

Hot springs located in Araró, Mich. México

101308115015 101308111857

2) Mechanisms of plant growth-promotion in rhizo- and bacterial endophytes.

Figura 1 Figure 2

3) Genetics and Genomics of Rhizobacteria

Genomic map of the biocontrol and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens UM270.

Figure 3

4) Microbial Ecology of the Rhizosphere

Antifungal activity of rhizobacterial strains against Botrytis cinerea.


5) Development of Biocontrol and Biopromoting Agents for Agriculture


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